Latest Publications

New Call for Submissions

Transformations Journal 
Volume 1 Issue 3 

Publication Date: April 2024 

Calling Advocates, Academics, and Practitioners Working for Peace, Justice, and a Better World 

Transformations journal works from the premise that everyone has an important world view, that everyone possesses valuable insights and strategies on the most pressing global issues and that by bringing these all together, in dialogue, in one publication, new knowledges and practices can be created. While the work of academics is often found in journals, those very individuals who do the work on the ground are not often given a platform to share their expertise, to share the powerful insights of stories of their communities. We hope by bringing researchers and practitioners voices together to fill that void.  

Transformations amplify the too often unheard voices of local change makers who are using non-violent strategies and peacebuilding tools to reinvent public spheres, marked by conflict, into peaceful civic spaces premised on tolerance and inclusion. As well as to have their experiences and insights influence the direction of new research.  

To this end, Transformations is reaching out to advocates, researchers, peacemakers, organisational leaders, public intellectuals, policy makers and community members to share implications of their work.   

We are also actively seeking submissions that take full advantage of written, social, and media platforms. To this end, we encourage submissions in these genres: 

  • Photojournalist Essays 
  • Extended audio documentaries 
  • Personal Testimonies 
  • Academic Essays
  • Graphic/animated stories
  • Short Videos 

 In short, we want Transformations to not only amplify the work being done at the grassroots level, but to present peacebuilding work in forms which will be accessible to advocates, academics, and the communities working for a better world. 

 We are accepting materials on a rolling basis. To be considered for the April 2024 issue, we recommend submitting work no later than January 30th. 

All work should be submitted to:  [email protected]